The Lifelong Accelerator
Our most popular and best value program… but only if you are serious about living the life of your dreams!!!)
Outcomes delivered: Monthly personal coaching and guidance gives you the tools, support, inspiration and courage to live the life of your dreams
Description: Six personal coaching calls & six facilitation calls
Recommended Duration: 12 months
Cost: $497 per month (Additional Family @ $100/month/member)
Outcomes delivered
Choosing The Lifelong Accelerator will give you the tools, support, inspiration and courage you need to be living the life of your dreams!
- You know how to immediately counteract the Culturally Conforming Conveyor Belt when it tries to regain influence
- Your Seeking System will be consistently engaged
- You will be regularly using all of the Vital Lifelong Alignment tools
- You will part of a community of like-minded people who will help you stay on track
- You will build a set of personal support relationships
- These resources and people will help counteract the powerfully toxic and poisonous cultural forces all around you
- You will have an evolving set of personal practices for living according to the Habits of Healthy Centenarians and the Vital Principles (e.g.: journaling, meditating, and celebrating progress)
- You will have be inspired and have the courage to persist with living the life of your dreams
4 Educational Sessions
- Session #1: Getting Started – orientation and setting your coaching preferences and schedule
- Session #2: Using your Reset Button & Journaling 101
- Session #3: Celebrating the Art of Celebration
- Session #4: Assessing your Complete Wealth Ecosystem
8 Transformational Learning Experiences
- Your Vital Age & The Habits of Healthy Centenarians
- Rapid Reset #1 & Reset Button
- Habitual Rituals: Journaling & Celebration
- The Vital Lifelong Principles
- Your Vital Life List
- Possibilities Explosion #2
- Growing Your Complete Wealth Ecosystem
- Realizing Your Vital Life List