Take a close look at your priorities and confirm how they align with your daily actions. Are you doing what aligns with what is worth doing and are you doing it with those who are worth doing it with?

“Never be too busy for the people you love. Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relationships. Love is what gives meaning to life.” ~ Dave Willis.

At times, it seems this daily pursuit and drive for possession eats up our time. I say eats up our time because I often hear how my clients are struggling with making time for family. Or how Moms, I know, feel spread so thin that there’s no time left for their husband at the end of the day. Or even how adult children cope when parents age and live too far away to spend regular time together. These are the challenges that life throws at us and these days in the heart of the Thanksgiving season reminds me to keep special people close to me and to show them how much I care.

These Reset Reminders are helpful to keep our focus on who and what matters and it sets in motion many actions that matter to me such as spending a special day with my son or calling a friend I haven’t touched base with in awhile.

But how long will the people and things that matter most stay front and center for you? Soon, I will need another reminder as the pressures and challenges of my life crowd my good intentions. I might forget to call my special friend, or take that drink of lemon water in the morning. I can convince myself that having a sit down with my son will wait. And that running date with myself? It’s just not critical right now so I shrug off any and all reminders and procrastinate.

Reminders are helpful and yet somehow, I easily ignore reminders when such alignment is missing. Surely there are some people who don’t get distracted from what really matters or who really matters and their plans for a better life? They have a mindset that quickly returns them to what matters most, the love David Ellis mentioned. I call that a VITAL mindset.

Having a VITAL mindset means you line up your daily actions with your priorities. That mindset measures each choice to the promise of being able to create rapid and positive permanent change to line up with who and what matters most. If the alignment goes off then you quickly do what it takes to realign yourself with a RESET.

With a VITAL mindset, you have the clarity to know what matters, and who matters most. I have days when my clarity goes away and my world all seems jumbled up. It is then I might compromise. You might even say I give in to pressure or give up on my dreams. But I have the ability to RESET my mind, my intentions and my dreams.

Tragic events are one way of creating openings within our hearts. Then we pause and reflect to line up our thoughts and feelings to what most matters to us. Creating a VITAL MINDSET allows us to tackle this without the tragic event. You will have a newfound ability to RESET, examine where you are out of ALIGNMENT with your priorities and realign yourself with clarity and purpose.

What would be different if you consistently could align yourself to a VITAL MINDSET? The Vitalign System is one that creates mental, physical and emotional alignment where it matters most. Imagine what that could make possible.

Your Vital Reset Reminder: RESET to align your daily actions with your true priorities, living a VITAL MINDSET to truly love your life.