Is it FUN? Is your work FUN?
Do you WORK or do you get up every day and PLAY? These are very important questions to consider. If you are getting up every day to go to WORK, and WORKING ALL DAY on how to be more successful, this is an even more important concept to PLAY with!
Today I would like to invite you to take your “to do” list and re-write it in a manner in which you read through it and say to yourself- “Holy Cannoli- what an amazing day I have created for myself!” So many of us struggle – we scrape- we scratch- we put our noses to the grindstone. We eat lunch at our desks or skip leaving early enough to go to the gym or for a run. When we get to the end of the week or the month- we look up at our goals and stats on the white board and berate ourselves for not having fulfilled a quota or goal. We then feel an instant loss of energy and inspiration due to the negative talk we have with ourselves.
Imagine just for a moment… you create an environment in which most of your day is FUN- you feel challenged – you feel a sense of purpose and you have built into all of it- a sense of PLAY.
Imagine further that while you are going throughout your day having fun and feeling a sense of LIGHTNESS- you allow yourself to be in RECEIVING MODE. I like to think of the receiving mode as Trust or Faith. In other words, a deep KNOWING that everything is working out and everything is coming your way, in the perfect time and in the perfect way!
One thing that helps me lighten up when I get frustrated with my progress is to move from the specific to the general. Once I stop over analyzing a situation, I can relax and flow with what is actually trying to manifest. Once I lighten up and let go of any specific attachments to the way something needs to appear, I can create in the moment and playfully shape my destiny.
Did you ever play in a sandbox or at the ocean’s shore? Remember how wonderful it was to fill the bucket with sand and then create shapes? Some of the shapes turned out just as you imagined- they held- you could even look back at them as monuments of your play as you were leaving at the end of the day. Others, well- they didn’t quite work out at all. They crumbled immediately. What did you do? You didn’t pull your hair out and beat yourself up. You immediately started again. Remember the joy of creation? How will you PLAY today?
Here is today’s Vital Reset ReMINDer:
“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
Dale Carnegie
My very best wishes for an exceptional day and to your long and vital life.