How happy are you right now? Do you practice the art of daily happiness? When you start to feel stress or negative feelings- how quickly can you change the momentum?
Momentum is a very important thing to consider when you find yourselves at the crossroads of either a negative or positive thought or emotion. It is so easy to allow ourselves to slide down the rain barrel of frustration, annoyance, judgement, guilt, blame, anger and even depression. Having an inner STOP/RESET BUTTON is an important tool for health, happiness and longevity!
Reaching for a better thought, feeling or emotion requires a new set of skills! You must be ready and willing to make that all important conscious choice to be happy. Momentum is a concept that sources from the laws of physics. It is generally thought of in our daily activities with regards to physical movement or even driving a car. Try flipping the concept of “momentum” into the manner in which you strengthen your “happy muscles”! Whatever you give focus to – will grow. So just for today- try to be mindful of how you work out the muscles of “Happiness Momentum”!
According to studies- happy people live longer- by about 35 percent. Many other studies show that happiness increases health and longevity. These stats offer us hope for a bright future. However, TODAY is the day to begin to choose the ART OF CHOOSING HAPPY MOMENTUM!
Here are a few tips on exercising your happy momentum muscles:
- When you find yourself thinking or feeling a “not so happy” thought…. ask yourself- “how would I like this situation to be? Allow yourself to imagine and then feel the positive outcomes you desire. The final step is to take 2-3 simple and doable steps toward the outcome you desire.
- Many times we realize that the outcome we desire, is not really within our personal control or domain. We are worried about a spouse, a child, a friend, a co-worker or a situation that is work related. We must evaluate what simple and doable steps we can take from a different perspective. We must begin from a place of “letting go” and “loving detachment”. Once we begin from that place, it is easier to determine the simple and doable steps that are appropriate for the situation.
- Sometimes negative thoughts and feelings sneak up on us when we are least expecting them. A driver cuts us off, a friend or loved one cancels on plans or doesn’t give us the feedback or response we were hoping for in the moment. This is one of your best opportunities to flex those “happy momentum muscles”! Go broad! This is not a time to be specific! Examples- “I really love my spouse/friend/co-worker! I really love and value so many of their qualities that I can let go of this moment in which I feel they are not meeting my needs.”
- If going broad in relationship to the person that has evoked your negative feelings and emotions is just not an option in the moment- another “going broad” exercise is to think about things that you love! Example: “I love that morning coffee I just had! I love sunflowers! I love the color green! THINK OF SOMETHING OR SOMEONE THAT MAKES YOU SMILE FROM THE INSIDE OUT! HOLD THAT THOUGHT!
- Once you have found the positive thought or feeling- BUILD MOMENTUM! Focus on more and more positive things that you love and appreciate until you can hang out on a plateau of positivity.
- Repeat above over and over! Repetition is the key to mastering anything, so even if you find yourself reverting back to the “negative trigger thought”- begin again. Start over!
The majority of Centenarians have mastered the art of letting go of stress and anxiety. They are really good at reaching for the better thoughts and feelings. They strive for a state of “being happy and at peace” the majority of the time. For most of them, at some point in their lives, they consciously began choosing “being happy” over petty grievances, daily stressors and trying to control everything. They also chose to stop procrastinating!
Happy people CHOOSE happiness! They recognize that it is a choice! They wake up every morning and affirm happiness as their global emotion! Don’t procrastinate! Stop telling yourself that you will “figure out how to be happy- another day”! Today is the best day ever to begin!
Here is today’s Vital Reset ReMINDer:
“People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer, all life for happiness.”
My very best wishes for an exceptional day and to your long and vital life.